Sunday, November 30, 2008


Part II, Max grows tired of his kingdom.

Here's another set of lyrics I wrote for the musical version of WTWTA.
See Previous Post

I’m bored! There’s nothing to do…(Max grins)
Hey You and You!
I order you to march in place!
Now…you must make a funny face!

I want you to clean your room!
And do use that big broom!
(Max watches them do these things)

You’ll have no supper and go to bed!
Don’t ask me why! ‘Cause I said!

Now here I am alone,
With nothing but my throne…
And I think I’m unhappy…
And want to be-

Oh so far, far away
I know there is a place
Waiting for me, an embrace
In that place so far away…

I’ll sail and sail till the day is done
Beyond the setting sun
And the rolling sea
Where some one waits for me…

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