I’m left holding
Fragmented thoughts
Disintegrating dreams
Of yesteryear.
My dreams don’t fit
The mold
Of the life I made
My dreams don’t
The life we live.
I ponder the roads
I could have traveled
And where they may have led
Had I chosen differently,
Would I still be right here?
Would I be the same?
I don’t know.
I catch a glance at my reflection
in the bedroom mirror.
My hair is grayer
The lines around my eyes—canyons.
The voice I have
sounds so different than
the one I had years before.
This one
speaks so softly
And catches
When I think of the past.
My heart begins its aching
My body longs
for the joy of song
The joy of performances
That echo from long ago
While vacuuming
I hear the melodies in my mind
Brahms, Britten, Verdi, Orff
I try scrubbing the floors
and think of
acting on a stage
While doing dishes
I catch myself mouthing lines
Sartre, Moliere, Shakespeare, Wilson, Durang
While folding clothes my fingertips caress the textures of each cloth
Sketches of costumes, make-up, lighting grids, props
pop into my head
The joy of creating something
Out of nothingness.
The memories fade out.
It begins to fade to black
Into nothingness
And I’m left alone
With my thoughts.
A quiet home
In a strange place
What do I do now?
What do I do now?
I think of the things I sacrificed
A part of myself
A part of my life
to show I cared.
I left my dreams behind.
I lost them somehow.
Maybe I never really had them.
I feel like a stranger
In my own body.
In my own home.
I don’t remember me
I don’t remember anything.
I grasp for any hint
For any clue
That will lead to
A vocation
A passion
An outlet
What is it that
Is in me to do?
The things I miss most
I’ll never have again.
Even if I knew how to get it all back
I don’t know if
I would even dare try.
I’m scared and I’m tired
I’m getting much older.
Where do I even begin?
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