I am a man.
There is Desperation
There is Hunger
There is Desolation.
I am a man.
Not a problem.
You ask why we come
But you don't want to know.
You don't listen and don't care.
I am a man.
Not an alien.
Beneath this brown skin
There is Humanity.
I am a man.
Not a miracle worker.
My children are hungry.
My children are barefoot
My children are naked
My fields are bare.
We need milk
We need bread
We need help.
None comes.
You are deaf to our cries.
You are blind to our plight.
You are silent.
I am a man.
Not a liability.
I am a last resort
I'm left no choice
I left to find work
My wife stayed behind
Praying I made it across
That money be sent
That our lives be saved
Our children can eat
Our children can grow
Our children can be clothed
Our children can learn
I am a man.
Not a terrorist.
I don't want to make trouble.
I don't want to be here
But I don't have a choice.
I am a man.
Not a vagabond.
My home is far away
But always in my heart
I am a man.
If you were a man
And you had to look in your child's eyes
And you had to see how gaunt, how thin ---
Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same.
I am a man.
You Americans have dreams.
So do I.
Daily, you are given opportunities
I make my own.
I am a man.
I dream my children will not starve.
I dream of happiness.
I had to come here to find it.
I am a man.
Not a camel.
I survived the desert,
I crossed it on foot.
I crossed hell itself for my family
I lived to tell the tale
And because I came here
You're going to throw me in jail?
It doesn't make sense.
I don't understand why.
Why send me back?
I am a man.
Not a criminal.
I am a man.
Not a thief.
I never stole your job.
Name one American who
strives to pick cotton.
Name one American whose
goal it is to pick tomatoes in the fields.
Name one American who would do it.
No American today tells his child
Someday you will be a migrant worker.
I am a man.
Not a beggar.
You need me as much as I need you.
Without me
Your toilets won't be cleaned
Your bed won't be made
And your kids won't be watched.
your crops will rot in the fields
Hard work will go undone.
I am a man.
Not a dog
I am a man.
Not a threat.
Made me do what I must
Don't make it harder than it must be.
To hell with your politicking
I don't have time to explain myself
I don't have the luxury.
I am a man
Not an issue.
Just let me work.
The job needs to be done.
My wife
My kids
My home
Depends on it.
My life depends on it.
I am a man.
Not a liar.
If I fail
A promise unfulfilled
I have nothing…
So there is nothing to lose
Except everything.
I am a man.
I want what a man wants…
To provide
To live.
To love.
To be a man.
I am a man.
I'm not a stupid spic,
a wetback
a greaser
or a beaner
I am a man.
Treat me like one.
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