Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The End. 09.20.08

The end.
It hurts too bad
The truth.
It hurts too much
The pain.
He wants it gone
He sits there shattered.

He hides it all inside
He doesn’t know he’s alive
He walks through life numbly
He doesn’t want to feel it at all.
He doesn’t care.

There’s no way to turn back the clock
There’s no way to make things right
There’s no way to get things back to the way they were
Hard reality to face
Hard truth to swallow
Hard way of living
Hard way of dying

Shattered. Glass in the carpet
He didn’t intend on things getting this bad.
Shattered. Frames on the ground.
He selfishly believed he could handle it
Shattered. Vows.
Shattered heart.
He killed a part of her in his greed.
Shattered wife shattered life.

He hides it all inside
He doesn’t know he’s alive
He walks through life numbly
He doesn’t want to feel it at all.
He doesn’t care.
He hides it all inside
He doesn’t know he’s alive
He walks through life numbly
He doesn’t want to feel it at all.
He doesn’t care.

Drunken memories linger and haunt
He can’t embrace her anymore
Flashes of torn up pictures --confetti on the floor
Moments of smiling lies--believing he could change.
Images of his rage—broken doors and holes in walls
That’s all he could offer to her.
Records of bruises and handfuls of broken promises
Worthless words and strung out love
That’s all he could give her anymore.
He pushed her away, punched her away.
Saved her by breaking her…at least
that what he thinks in his mind.
He gets high to numb it all
She ran away from it all
He doesn’t blame her
He’d run away too, if he only could.

He hides it all inside
He doesn’t know he’s alive
He walks through life numbly
He doesn’t want to feel it at all.
He doesn’t care.

He chugs another beer believing his salvation
Waits at the end.
Not finding it, he tries another can instead.
He screams,
“I sit here Shattered.
Tremble here shattered.
In this corner shattered
Our future shattered
By my own hand…”

He reaches for a bottle again
With his own hand
Burning warmth he swallows down
He holds up the bottle and smiles,
“You’ve shattered my life, But Hell; at least you’re still here.”

He hides it all inside
He doesn’t know he’s alive
He walks through life numbly
He doesn’t want to feel it at all.
He doesn’t care.
He chugs another beer believing his salvation
Waits at the end.
He hides it all inside
He doesn’t know he’s alive
He walks through life numbly
He doesn’t want to feel it at all.
He doesn’t care.

I've had some friends who've had their lives torn apart by alcoholism or drugs...I'm not necessarily fascinated by that, but I've often wondered what the person doing the hurting must be thinking or feeling to inflict that kind of pain on others. This isn't about anyone in particular, so don't jump to conclusions. My marriage is wonderful and Dave isn't an alcoholic, nor am I. Just letting thoughts flow from my mind to the keyboard...that's all.

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