As we walk along hand in hand
Steadying each other
as the way gets bumpy--
The heights we’ll reach
The sights we’ll see
As we walk along hand in hand,
Will leave us breathless
Will leave us speechless
Will caress our senses
Will leave us in sheer awe
Of each other
Of others
Of creation
Of God
Of life.
Walk along with me.
Take my hand.
We have much to see
We have much to share
You are the one I chose
To journey with me
I will not take anyone else.
For it all
loses luster
Loses lucidity
without you
Without you
the way is dark
The distance daunting
The journey pointless.
Walk along with me.
Take my hand.
We have much to see
We have much to share
When the night
Extinguishes the light
Leaving only
Blackness, Darkness,
and I fail to see...
You will point
Out the constellations
The Moon and its seas,
Comets And
Shooting stars;
All the while,
Holding me closer
In the crook of your arm,
Only a blanket
separating us
From heaven above.
There I’ll lie peacefully
There I’ll sleep soundly
Until it is time
For us to start
our journey
Walk along with me.
Take my hand.
We have much to see
We have much to share.
Thank you for your company
My Love,
Along this winding way.
I love you now
and always will,
long after
our journey
Recipe: Berry and Cream Stuffed Chocolate Bundt Cake
I made this for David on our 2nd anniversary. I was silly and used two heart shaped pans...that were too small for the amount of batter I made. I had enough batter, berries & filling left over for another 8 inch round cake. I actually froze the heart shaped cakes once they cooled a little. The result was a yummy ice-creamy cake. Freezing isn't necessary to enjoy this cake.
You may use your own chocolate cake recipe...
I, however, use shortcuts.
Bundt Cake pan OR other large pan, sprayed with non-stick cooking spray
One box of chocolate cake mix
(Use equal amount of applesauce instead of oil called for in box mix.)
number of eggs called for on box mix
1 1/2 cup of mini chocolate chips (divided-1 cup for cake mix, 1/2 cup for filling)
12 oz. cream cheese
1/3 cup of sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 package of frozen very cherry berry mixed berries from Trader Joe's (you may use raspberries or blueberries for this recipe, instead)
Powdered sugar for dusting.
Preheat oven to temp stated on box (usually 375 F)
make filling--cream together cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla.
carefully fold in 1/2 cup of mini chocolate chips.
Prepare cake mix-follow directions on box--make sure you substitute the applesauce for oil (makes the cake taste SO much better). Add 1 cup of mini choc. chips. mix well.
In prepared Bundt pan, pour in about half of batter.
On top of poured batter, drop cream cheese mixture by spoonful...evenly distributing entire mixture around pan. Sprinkle the berries over the top of the cream cheese mixture. Pour the remaining cake batter into the bundt pan.
Bake at 375 for about an hour and 20 minutes. (All ovens are different. My oven took almost 1 hour and 45 minutes to bake this. My in-laws' oven takes less time. Just watch the cake. If a toothpick inserted part way into the cake comes out clean, take the cake out of the oven and consider it baked.)
Remove from oven and let cool about 45 minutes before removing cake from pan.
Once you remove the cake, dust with powdered sugar. NO icing necessary.
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