Thursday, November 6, 2008

Inspiring words and the beginning of my blog.

"We do not write because we want to;
we write because we have to."
~Somerset Maugham

That pretty much sums up why I write...AND why I cook. I've decided to fully devote myself to these crafts. I've spent far too much time allowing writer's block to deter me...and I don't usually share my recipes, so this is a great opportunity to share two of my passions with the world. I've made up enough excuses. So, begins! Muahahahaha!

Seriously, though...soon there will be postings. Each piece is a work in progress and I welcome comments. I do a daily free writing exercise and this will be where I post them, along with my favorite recipes that may or may not tie in to my writing. I may, once in a while, throw in a few pictures..of food...or random other things.

So, enjoy!

If you've stumbled across my humble journal, welcome!

Oh, and please, pretty please...don't steal my stuff.



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